• Do you ever wonder how people who follow 100,000+ people on Twitter read those millions of tweets coming in all day long?
  • Do you believe people with large Twitter accounts actually read many of the tweets, or do you think some people don't read many of their incoming tweets?
  • How can someone make sense of the enormous amount of Twitter information and news thrown at them second by second by second when they are following so many?

I used to wonder exactly that when I followed only 500 or so people and could make no sense of my own Twitter stream.

What Is The Answer?

The secret to using Twitter effectively once you follow a large number of accounts is using Twitter lists.

"Twitter lists help you curate your Twitter content into separate, usable Twitter streams. You accomplish this by categorizing each stream; naming each list and adding or removing Twitter accounts to each list, up to 500 per list."

In the following video, I take you on a 'behind the scenes tour' of my own Twitter account and show you how to:

  • Make multiple Twitter lists to create multiple Twitter streams
  • Follow Twitter lists made by others
  • Find Twitter lists to connect with others

With the information I will give you, you can customize your very own Twitter stream into multiple*, manageable, smaller and more targeted Twitter streams.

"Each Twitter list you create, gives you a different Twitter stream, customized to your liking. It will only include tweets sent out by those accounts you have added to the list, making your list a highly concentrated Twitter information stream, customized to your wishes."

Creating and using Twitter lists will allow you to find important content when you need it most, for example when you are writing a blog post for yourself or for a client and you need immediate, up-to-date, highly targeted industry information. It also helps you identify active Twitter accounts in certain industries and Twitter lists help your search for an engaged audience.

Watch The Video For Step By Step Instructions.

I mentioned using Listorious in the video:

"Listorious has build a directory of Twitter lists that helps you find the most interesting people in more specialized subject areas"

Listorious is a great outside source for Twitter users to find new Twitter lists and connect with the accounts on the lists. It's another way to search for new Twitter accounts to follow.

Spelling It Out One Last Time

Whether you are new to Twitter or are a more seasoned Twitter user, I highly encourage you to use Twitter lists to:

  • Curate your incoming Twitter content into manageable smaller, highly targeted Twitter streams
  • Connect with new and interesting Twitter users in your particular industry

Your Turn

  • Are you using Twitter lists?
  • If the answer is 'no', will you start using Twitter lists to make several new Twitter streams?
  • Have you ever checked out people's Twitter lists?
  • Are you following Twitter lists?
  • How will be using your own Twitter lists to build an audience and gain new followers?

I'd love to hear your personal Twitter story. Please leave a comment for me and come join the conversation.

*Each Twitter account can create up to 20 Twitter lists.

About the Author: Dorien Morin-van Dam