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It’s An Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad World

On the heels of the Google Doubleclick story, and the Google Clear Channel story and the Yahoo print story and the ebay TV story and the Spotrunner tv story and the...

Well, you get my point.

Onilne advertising is only beginning to heat up. And while traditional advertisers have their eyeballs askance and their eyebrows furrowed at the antics of the upstarts, the upstart as looking at traditional advertising models with disruptive technologies in mind and rate cards in sight.

Red Herring announce today in its YouTube Lining Up Summer Ads article that pre-roll and post roll ads will become a part of the YouTube experience this summer.

Over at Editors Weblog, they're reporting (Google Following The Consumer) Tom Phillips, Director at Google's New York offices is expecting to see the roll out of Google Print Ads by next month based on the success of the pilot project.

Those Google boys are a busy lot.

However, sauce for the goose is incremental revenue for the gander and CBS has come to the market with TargetSpot, a revolutionary new advertising platform that enables businesses of all sizes and budgets to advertise their products and services to the ever-growing Internet radio listening audience. This as reported by Donna Bogatin at ZDNet: CBS Radio to Google, YouTube: No thanks, we built TargetSpot!

What I found particularly interesting about the ZDNet, besides the pictures of a deceptively simple (and affordable) user experience was the folder in which ZDNet story resides. "Micro-markets."

Simple. Affordable. Micro-markets.

Sound at all familiar?

It's an ad, ad, ad, ad, ad world and it's getting moreso every day.

Have a good one.

~The (SEP) Guy