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Almost like being at SES NY

With all the coverage from Barry and gang over at SERoundtable, as well as the video interviews from WebProNews, it's almost like being at SES NY without any of the expense. SERoundtable is doing a bangup job (as usual) of covering the sessions. And WebProNews has some nice video interviews, such as Rand Fishkin interviewing Vanessa Fox, Dana Todd on Search Marketing Trends and Rebecca Kelly on the Blogging Craze.

Both SERoundtable and WebProNews are burning up the web with session coverage and video interviews, and there's no way I could list them all here. But if you feel the need to be a part of SES from your bedroom or kitchen, just head on over to either of those places. You'll feel just like you're there!

Oops, almost forgot! Small Business SEM is also giving us some great SES coverage!