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Authority, Spheres of Influence, and Influence Ripples

Now that you've forged your Foundation Friends, and are beginning to expand your authority by continuing to write excellent quality blog posts, while securing new friends and fans through the previously mentioned tactics, the concepts 'Spheres of Influence' and 'Influence Ripples' become tremendously important.


Spheres of Influence & Influence Ripples ... the Concept:
David Armano introduced the concept of Influence Ripples in 2006. His post Influence Ripples 2.0 shows how numerous bloggers with varied spheres of influence interact. Ultimately, networks become evident.

The concept is this, each person's authority can be viewed as a circle (see above) on a 2-dimensional grid:

I'd prefer to look at the mass of each of the spheres in terms of number of RSS subscribers, but links is a reasonable metric too, and helps us to keep in mind one of the reasons Authority is important. Keep in mind, this is a dramatically simplified chart, and shows only 2 dimensions where many may exist.

As noted within the above 'Influence Ripples' graphic, there are different levels of individuals, when structured according to influence. At one end of the spectrum, are the 'newbies', without much of a following yet. At the other end, are the 'Rock Stars' with multitudes of followers. The vast majority of us occupy the middle ground, which is good because not everyone can be or even wants to be a 'rock star'.

Why Does This Concept Matter?
Viewing the space in this way helps because we as individuals have limited time. Accordingly, we have to make choices about how best to proceed to build more authority (assuming we want more) while maximizing benefit and minimizing time. Some of the implications for authority building include;

At the end of the day, its merely a conceptual oversimplification, yet this is likely how all the major search engine and social media sites can view link and friend networks. For those that don't believe me, check this out:
1. TouchGraph Google
2. TouchGraph Facebook
Now just imagine the data and networks that the search engines and social media sites can extract, especially Yahoo and Google which own numerous social media sites. If that's the case, then it should definitely be utilized to forge friendships outside traditional networks. Its best for both search and social media success, and makes a good deal of sense from an authority building perspective.

Also, the goal of most should not necessarily be to 'be a rock star', but rather to have the respect and trust of rock stars, so that they can carry your key ideas forward ... in many cases this will be most efficient.