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Do-It-Yourself Online Reputation Management – 7 How To Tips

Search engines and the internet have changed our world in ways few could have comprehended. Most of these changes have been extremely positive eg. I can now study a new concept from the comfort of my home. However, some of the changes occurring as a result of the internet, are not so positive.

Case in point, much of what you do now is captured and shared digitally (either intentionally or unintentionally), and is referred to as your digital footprint. This information is accessible for all to see (think embarrassing videos at the office party, a night experimenting as a teenager, etc.).

I for one, think there is good and bad that comes with this level of accountability.

So the question becomes; if this happens to you, what can you do to minimize the visibility of this "information" without having to resort to spending thousands to hire a professional reputation management firm?

Below follows 7 DIY tips and techniques that anyone can employ: