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Tips for Obtaining More Fans on Your Local Business Facebook Page


So you've created a business page on Facebook for your local business. That's great! I'm assuming that you've received plenty of continuous traffic that have liked or subscribed to your page. If not, then here are a few tips for you to consider to help your local business Facebook pages popularity grow quickly

Creativity Sells And Entices

Its important to be creative. People enjoy viewing content which is normally not seen on other sites. Post pictures relevant to your business, for example, or have your profile picture be something catchy and creative with your business logo on it. Post some witty comments that people will enjoy that are factual about your business, or share someone else's interesting and witty post for your fans to see. As you utilize your Facebook page to market your business, keep in mind that people enjoy creativity. Its something that catches the eyes of your target audience so you stand out and are easily remembered.

Encouragement For Interaction And Subscribing

Its important to encourage people to not only visit your local business Facebook page, but to like it and subscribe to it as well. If you encourage people, and they like what they see, then those who aren't part of your business pages network may soon be with just a little encouragement on your part. Consider offering promotions, such as a free consultation, with those who become a fan or subscribe to your page, for example.

Market Your Page For Maximum Exposure

Market, market, market! Local business marketing is very important. I mean, isn't that what a business page is all about? Use your Facebook business page for just that. Include products, events, information, and so forth to let viewers know what exactly it is your local business has to offer, and considering posting the URL link for your Facebook page on all consumer and lead correspondences, such as direct mail marketing, your local business website, other social networking sites, your business card, and so on.

Post Frequently For Consistency And Currency Of Content To Hold Your Audiences Attention

Its important to post on your local business Facebook wall, as well as on other walls. Doing so allows people to realize that you're a real person within the business giving them a reason to want to read your posts. Also, have a schedule so people know when you'll be posting, whether its daily, every other day, or once or twice a week. Know, though, that the more you post, the less likely visitors will get bored of your business page. At the same time, don't overdo by posting more than a couple times a day unless there's an urgent need of some sort.

Keep It Professional

Though its nice to let your hair down every once in a while, remember you're still a business. So, while having fun, its important to be professional at the same time. Its not an impossible task. Just keep people up-to-date and have your content reader friendly and focused within your business or industry while adding a personal, yet professional, flair.

Visitor Involvement And Engagement

Getting people involved with your local business Facebook page is vital. The more people get involved, the more their friends will see they're involved and want to visit your page and hopefully get involved too. So, don't just post information. Post questions and leave answers to others questions. Also include videos that may be relevant to your local business for more engagement. Make visitors want to be part of your local business Facebook page on a regular visit by giving them reasons to do so.

Use Geo-modifiers

The great thing about Facebook is the idea that people can have a global experience that's local. Facebook gives you the ability to boost your local visibility in both its internal, as well as external, search engines. Be sure to use geo-modifiers in your Facebook vanity URL, in your business information, and so on.

Facebook is a fantastic way to boost leads and gain exposure for your local business. Use these tips to ensure optimal results starting yesterday!