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Saving time – Switching Feed Readers

Lately, I've become disenchanted with Bloglines. My work day is fast-paced, and my memory is extremely short. When I open a web page, if I have to wait very long to view it, I'm likely to have forgotten what I'd planned to do next. And there's always a next...a next site to go to, a next search to do, whatever.

Recently, I've noticed that when I open Bloglines, it takes longer and longer to display the feeds. And if I should attempt to view a feed post before it has finished loading the page, I'm very likely to have a browser crash. By the time my frustration has built up, I've forgotten everything that was in my mind.

Today, I decided to check out desktop RSS feed readers, making the assumption that a desktop reader would be faster than waiting for a web page to load. And even if it was slow, it wouldn't crash my browser.

Finding a reader proved to be a little more work than I'd expected. A few searches showed there were many choices, but not that many really good choices. And being the ultimate cheapskate that I am, the first requirement was that it needed to be free.

I tried a few. Some worked. Some didn't. Some were ok, but didn't "grab" me. But I think I've found the ultimate desktop feed reader for me. It's called GreatNews (subtitled The Intelligent RSS Reader). Here's a few of the reasons I like it.

While my choice of RSS feed readers doesn't directly impact SEO, it does impact my ability to work efficiently, and that means I get more SEO work done. So that's my SEO tip of the day, even if you don't agree it's an SEO tip. 😛