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Shari Thurow Writes a New Book

shari thurow bookI live on the web so much I sometimes forget that our industry might actually have information available in a book. And although search is an ever-fluid industry, there are certain aspects that are timeless. I haven't read it yet, but I have no doubt that Shari Thurow's new edition of her popular search engine optimization book, Search Engine Visibility contains lots of timeless SEO information. Shari does have a companion site for the book at that will be able to document changes as they happen over time.

Based on descriptions of the book, it appears to be a great resource especially for non-SEOs to learn the essentials of creating search-friendly sites. As much as I love getting information online, hard copy in book form is still very appealing to me. I might just have to head on over to Amazon and get this one - Search Engine Visibility (2nd Edition) (Voices That Matter)