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The Tale of Little Linkalot

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Linkalot who lived in a large, virtual forest. Each day, little Linkalot would skip happily amongst the trees looking for a nice site to stop and rest. As he left each site, he also left a little something behind, as a way of letting others know that he'd been there. Usually, he would write a quick note along the lines of "Linkalot was here. Come visit me sometime" and the note would include his address to guide others to his little hovel.

Linkalot had been warned many times that not everyone appreciated his little notes, and that in fact, some of the forest rangers believed that his notes constituted the unlawful act of littering. But little Linky paid no attention to those warnings, and continued on his merry way.

Occasionally, Linkalot would stumble across a forest site he'd been to before. He would sometimes see his note torn to shreds, and he wondered why someone would do such a thing. One day, he came home from a day of traversing through the woods to find that all paths leading to his hovel had been eradicated. The once-clear paths were now strewn with forest debris. Only those who stumbled across his site would ever know it existed. All others would merrily skip along clear paths to other forest locations.

Little Linkalot had no idea why he had been taken off of the forest map. How could anyone find him now? He was sad and lonely. As he sat with his head in his hands, he heard a sound nearby. Looking up, he saw a gray wolf! Oh no! But the wolf said, "Fear me not, young Linkalot. I am here to help you, not hurt you. Be wise, oh young one, and learn the fine art of leaving your messages in the far reaches of the forest. With a little time and knowledge, the paths to your hovel will be made clear again".

Thus began Linkalot's new journey - one that brought him to many places of higher learning in his quest to find the solution to his problem. After many months of learning, Linkalot resumed his travels through his beloved forest, leaving insightful messages that gave fellow travelers reasons to visit his hovel. He had turned his hovel into a place that welcomed guests with rich and wondrous things for all to enjoy. Once a few respected visitors discovered his little site, they began to tell others of it as well. Little by little, the debris-strewn paths were cleared away by the forest rangers, and Little Linkalot was happy once again.

The End

Moral of the story: ???

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