Whether your business focus is just Windsor and surrounding area, all of Ontario, Canada, or the world, Search Engine People (SEP) brings the expertise to excel at any and all levels. Our clients range from small and medium sized local businesses, to fortune 100 clients attempting to rank in virtually every country on the planet. This gives SEP experience, virtually no other Canadian companies have.

In order to help you understand and capitalize the possibilities and options, SEP has a local presence in the Windsor ... Sara Noad. Sara will work with you to first understand your goals and needs, and can then devise a program to meet your objectives.

Our expertise is unmatched in organic search (SEO), paid search, local search, social media marketing, call and campaign tracking, reputation management, content development, and usability. Together, the right combination of these strategies with our know how and your product or service, will conspire to generate business for you online.

Get Canada's top search marketing company working for you today!

Meet your Windsor area SEP representative Sara Noad: