Just in case anyone was wondering if any of my seo tips and theories were worth listening to, I thought I'd share a recent testimonial that I received via email from my main clients. These clients receive five figures per month, based almost entirely on top rankings for competitive keywords. Here's the email, verbatim (misspellings and all):

Hey Donna,

Aubra and I were just checking out our rankings. The key keywords are better and we continue to smoke 'em. Gonna toot your horn a minute.

A huge reason behind our incredible traffic and success is a result of your hard earned efforts. The keywords have improved significantly steadily over the last months and are top of the charts. The sites look better, fucntion better and do better.

We simply wanted to say thank you and though we have only scratched the surface of this crazy biz, and we don't know jack about the technical aspects... We do know that for us to be where we are is in great part because you are extremely talented, devoted and focused at what you do.

You are beyond excellent Donna.

Matt and Aubra