Call to Action Design & Marketing

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are any series of links, buttons or actionable images that encourage visitors to perform an action, such as download an offer, contact sales, or sign-up for a newsletter. Without CTAs, visitors cannot be prompted to take a desired action, like contacting sales. Similarly, if your CTAs are not relevant to the content on the page or compelling to your audience, your CTRs will suffer.

It's important to carefully consider your calls-to-action and design them according to where your audience is in the buying cycle and the types of information your prospects are looking for. Once you have decided what type of action you want users to take, you must also choose the best way to convey that message in order to attract your audience.

Why SEP for CTA Design?

SEP has years of hands-on experience in testing a variety of CTA strategies to discover what works best for audiences across a vast number of industries.

At Search Engine People, we are experts at creating highly effective CTAs that simply work! Whether you are designing a new landing page, making changes to your website, or adding CTAs to your blog posts, our Marketing Automation team will test and design custom calls-to-action that encourage more clicks. From writing a compelling message, to choosing the size, shape and colour of your CTAs, we understand what makes your website visitors want to take action.

If you're looking to drive more downloads, get more information requests or form completions, contact our team today to learn about how we can better optimize your CTAs.