
Why should your business consider Apple Maps into it’s digital strategy?

Every business wants to grow and in a nutshell, there are only two ways to increase your business:

  • Increase your share of the pie
  • Increase the size of the pie.

Since the size and share of the pie that mobile represents in the digital world is naturally increasing according to comScore, it makes sense to develop strategies that adapt your business to it and find ways to continue growing through the reach that mobile offers.

Just to give you an idea of how big Mobile is growing, 2015 will go down in history as the year that Mobile traffic surpassed desktop in Canada.


Apple is at the forefront of Mobile. It’s no secret the sales for each new version of the iPhone has seen increasing demand, currently holding 38.3% of the Canadian smartphone market share.


Like a great leader, Apple understands how consumers evolve and quickly adapt to what they dictate. Since 31% of mobile interactions happen through apps, Apple has been able to capture users back to their Maps app to show them how they have improved it since the app debut in 2012. They have done such a good job, that today Apple Maps is being used ‘more than three times as often as its next leading competitor on iPhones and iPads’


You’re probably wondering what this mean for your business right now. Well, back in May we shared a brief explanation of how you can geo-target your ads with mobile and we’ve also shared how the apps world is increasing too and connecting your users to you without having to go to your website.

So, in an ideal world, by now you have your business plan for 2016 and set your budget for what you will be doing in the digital space, giving your mobile strategy a fair share, you have also developed your app (or are seriously considering it!).

What Now?

  • Start thinking about how you will connect your app to Apple Maps, because your iOS consumers will certainly search for you there.
  • Remember to take full advantage of all features iOS offers. Consumers are using Siri, big time. Make your app ‘Siri friendly’ and increase consumer engagement through your app.
  • Have more than one location? When leveraging Apple Maps, you can direct users to your nearest location. Starbucks is already doing it.
  • Is your business registered in Yelp? Well they are using Apple Maps too. Take advantage of it, especially as Google has increasingly been ranking Yelp at the top of Google SERP results.

If your business is already registered in Apple Maps and your app already interacts with all iOS features, then congratulations! You’re definitely staying ahead of the curve!

If you need to register, get it done today! Remember to update your app accordingly too. Your business will certainly thank you.

About the Author: Carolina Valdez-Ambia

Some years ago I started my Digital Marketing career in the Canadian market and I still feel it was my best professional decision ever.