Have you ever wanted to view the source of a page that does an automatic refresh to some other domain, but you were unable to hit the stop button quickly enough? Quick tip: Instead of typing the url address into the address bar, type view-source:www.thedomain.com into the address bar instead. (Of course, substitute www.thedomain.com with whatever domain you are curious about). You will be shown the source of the domain - redirect code and all. (Disclaimer: may not work in all versions of all browsers).

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."