Recently Google has invited us to participate in Google Audio Ads. Here are some screenshots.
About the Author: Dora Gedeon
Born, raised and living in French speaking Quebec (Canada), I have a unique outlook on the web. Bilingual, I get to enjoy the best of the web, especially North America's part. Native American (Mi'kmaq) too I feel I'm rooted in our countries the way a tree branches out its roots; I'm firmly grounded.
From origin I'm a teacher, one who works with children who have learning disabilities and/or behavior problems.
Rooted in day-to-day youth culture I get to see and hear what works and what doesn't; which Internet messages made their way all the way down to the young and which didn't.
We're a friendly, accessible bunch. With "we" I mean, us French Quebecers. I've you're not from here and have never visited (yet) you may have a mental picture of us which is not really accurate or applicable to us.
To get a better idea, simply think of everything negative you have ever heard about the France French. Then take the utter opposite of that and that's us!
At Search Engine People I'm the door into the French speaking market. I point out the shades of differences between certain words, certain expressions. Classically schooled in French I make sure the French we use is correct. At the same time I show where and when "we" use other terms and phrases than school French.
I also report on Search Engine People on the French speaking web. These posts get translated and posted into English as well, giving everyone a chance to get to know and understand this market too.
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