Now I know a lot of our readers are hyped for this post after I promised in Part 1 that I would reveal search queries that would help you find .edu and .gov backlinks as well as dofollow blogs that you can comment on.

Well, after much debate I realized that I can’t exactly just give away all the secrets in the toolbox. As a result, the goal of this post is to open your eyes to the power of search queries by training your mind to focus on finding authoritative sites that are do-follow and will accept your comments. It’s now come time to unleash the power of search queries! Link builders of the world: Get ready, set, go!


How to Find the Links?

Once again this is where the power of search queries comes into play. By simply entering in a few search queries you can literally discover hundreds, if not thousands, of blogs that support the dofollow movement; you can comment on them and get a free backlink. Here is a couple of the most effective search queries to effectively target both do-follow blogs and .edu sites that you can comment on:

Do-follow Blogs

"KEYWORD HERE" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments"

“KEYWORD HERE” "Remember my personal information" "Notify me of follow-up comments"

Simply replace your keyword in the “KEYWORD HERE” section and enter this query into Google to find thousands of blogs that you can comment on! (Notice how I said comment and not spam?)

Now these blogs aren’t guaranteed to be do-follow. But these search queries do help filter out the majority of the no-follow blogs since they are targeting special phrases that are found on do-follow blogs. Take this strategy further and you can search for do-follow blogs based on “do-follow images” that are usually found on the homepage of the blog. This topic has already been covered extensively, so if you wanted to read more about it then check out an older post from SlightlyShadySeo here.

.edu Links

student blog topic site:edu student blog (in Yahoo)



site:edu wiki

These queries will help you find .edu sites and blogs that are open for commenting as well as Wiki’s that are editable. Once again not all of them will be do-follow, and a good majority will probably be school-specific, but at least you’ve done the hardest part and actually found a couple of high-quality .edu blogs that you can comment on. To find more niche-specific blogs simply add your keyword into the query, just make sure that it’s in quotations. From there you will need to focus on getting your comment approved.

How to Get Your Comment Approved?

There's lots of different theories out there but what I found to be the secret touch is= to be friendly! You’d be shocked if I could share with you some of the great link deals and relationships that have evolved from the simple lines of “Hey where you from? I’m from Toronto and … I like hockey/I live near a park with lots of dogs/the sky is blue over here what’s your weather like?” Catch my drift?

These responses are unique and don’t mirror the spammy comments these bloggers receive on an hourly basis. Just goes to show that sometimes you need to think out-of-the-box when it comes to link building: especially if you are trying to stay ahead of the game.

When trying to comment on dofollow blogs you need to remember my favorite word= EFFICIENCY! Don’t just waste your time submitting comments to every do-follow blog. You need to get your comment approved from niche relevant sites with authority.

Now keep in mind that the queries mentioned in this post are still relatively basic! They are merely examples of how you can search for certain terms and phrases that are associated with do-follow blogs. In case any of you were hoping for the magical link building solution within this post then I’m sorry if I disappointed you, but to make it up to all of you I have a couple of great freebies on the house.

Awesome Freebies 🙂

Here is one of the best do-follow blog lists currently in circulation; there are many available but most are just duplicates and aren't categorized by niche like this one. Or you can try using a dofollow search engine like this one, but be warned that the results are somewhat limited (some other ones are better but cost $$). However, if you use SEOQuake it has an option to place a line through the nofollow links; saving you a considerable amount of time.

By now I think you’ve gotten the vibe of my posts and hopefully figured out that my main focus here at SEP is on link building. That being said if you have any burning questions or topics that you would like to see discussed please feel free to post your ideas and suggestions and I will certainly respond and take them into consideration for future posts!

About the Author: Paul Teitelman

I'm a SEO Manager here at Search Engine People and am a proud, self-proclaimed "link guy". My job in a nutshell? I'm responsible for ranking clients on the main search engines for their major keywords. When I'm not in front of my computers constantly testing and trying new link building techniques, I can be found up north at my cottage in Muskoka where I like to spend a lot of my time in the summer. I'm an AVID hockey fan (Go Leafs Go!), love to wakeboard and water-ski as well, but my main passion is definitely music and rocking out on the drums. Feel free to get to know me better by adding me on the major social media networks below.