Traduction francaise: Liste des 25 Répertoires les Plus Puissants sur la Toile

So after getting a fair amount of feedback on my last series I decided it was finally time to offer a "Top 25 Most Powerful Web Directories" list. Now this comprehensive web directories list isn't set in stone, and will probably need to be updated on 3-month intervals, but it does cover a good majority of the top paid directories you should initially target to submit your site(s) too.

Now I don't usually offer such specific details on link building resources; personally I prefer to provide general tips and then let the viewer read between the lines and extract my key points, but in this case I just felt that I should provide a quick and powerful directory list to follow up my three part series on directory submissions. Only seems fitting. And with the potential power of directories for SEO currently in hot debate, I thought that it was the right time to unleash this list. (For the record; yes they are still powerful!)

White hat Seo

Now, there are a lot of great directories that aren't on this list because they are either too expensive for my blood (BOTW, Yahoo! Directory) or it just takes way too long to get approved (DMOZ, Illumirate) when you're looking for a quick boost for your site(s). So without much further ado, here is a list of the top 25 most powerful directories:

1.) Family Friendly Sites
2.) Incrawler
3.) Kahuki
4.) Greenstalk
5.) Rakcha
6.) Joeant
7.) Splash Directory
8.) Goguides
9.) Enquira
10.) ALS Links
11.) Clush
12.) Octopedia
13.) Info Listings
14.) Skaffe
15.) Global Weblinks
16.) Links 2 Go
17.) Dmoz Zilla
18.) Gimpsy
19.) Global Link Networks
20.) Business Directory
21.) Zorg Directory
22.) TWD
23.) Data Spear
24.) World Site Index
25.) Most Popular Sites

If you feel there is any directory which I overlooked (or have any questions about the list or any of the specific directories for that matter) please feel free to write a comment about it and I will do my best to respond to you and answer your inquiries! Happy searching!

Traduction francaise: Liste des 25 Répertoires les Plus Puissants sur la Toile

About the Author: Paul Teitelman

I'm a SEO Manager here at Search Engine People and am a proud, self-proclaimed "link guy". My job in a nutshell? I'm responsible for ranking clients on the main search engines for their major keywords. When I'm not in front of my computers constantly testing and trying new link building techniques, I can be found up north at my cottage in Muskoka where I like to spend a lot of my time in the summer. I'm an AVID hockey fan (Go Leafs Go!), love to wakeboard and water-ski as well, but my main passion is definitely music and rocking out on the drums. Feel free to get to know me better by adding me on the major social media networks below.