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About Glenn Friesen

Glenn Friesen has been an Internet Marketing Pro for just under a decade, is a WordPress fanatic, and helped launch a fully funded Internet Startup, Qmania. Nowadays, he manages SEM at MindBodyOnline, a leading Salon Studio Software Company. Glenn also draws a lot of concrete poetry and is thinking about Rap Similes and Metaphors on the regular.

Keyword Research Tools For Local Markets

The Key Differences Between Regular and Local Keyword Research Regular or "global" keyword research is meant to be widespread; whereas local keyword research is meant to be more targeted. Because of this key difference -- especially outside of large urban [...]

By |2014-10-22T08:22:37-04:00June 7th, 2012|PPC|Comments Off on Keyword Research Tools For Local Markets

Keyword Syncretism: How To Abandon The One True Keyword & Live In The Real World

Like so many, when I first started in SEO, I thought of a short list of keywords as the central point for which all marketing efforts should revolve -- my one-true-keyword was the "sun" my work revolved around. The flaw in this thinking, I found, is not in the solar system model; but in the quantity of suns for which my efforts were revolving.

By |2014-04-22T09:06:06-04:00December 1st, 2011|SEO|Comments Off on Keyword Syncretism: How To Abandon The One True Keyword & Live In The Real World
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