About Jennifer Osborne
As a marketing person, I'm more of a generalist in this space, I like to describe my knowledge of Internet Marketing as a mile wide and foot deep (smile).
In my undergrad I took Psychology and English Literature. This prepared me really well for my MBA. (kidding)
If you asked one of my friends what my best and worst traits are they would say that I'm a great person to pour you heart out to (it's the Cancer in me) but my worst trait is that I'm terribly impatient.
In my spare time I love to... wait a minute I don't have spare time?!!?!!? I do love to debate. I especially love it when somebody really makes me think. I'm an avid reader and obviously I love spending time with my family and friends.
If you like a great debate (or want to poor your heart out) too please friend me in all the social media below!