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About Jonners

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So far Jonners has created 8 blog entries.

I Thought I Had Been Hacked, But I Just Failed To Follow Procedure

Procedures are important. As soon as your stray off the procedure (or process, as he called it) there is the chance that something unexpected may go wrong. And by the very nature of abandoning the process, when something does go wrong it can be very difficult to pinpoint where the error occurred.

By |2014-10-22T08:21:46-04:00August 28th, 2012|Content, SEO|Comments Off on I Thought I Had Been Hacked, But I Just Failed To Follow Procedure

How To Avoid The SEO Trap

The purpose of this post is to introduce you to some of the jargon, tricks and techniques that SEO spammers use so that you can more easily spot them when they offer you their services. Of course, the easiest option [...]

By |2014-10-22T08:22:52-04:00May 8th, 2012|SEO|7 Comments
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