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About Stephen Moyers

Stephen Moyers is an out of the heart writer voicing out his take on various topics of social media, web design, mobile apps, online marketing, entrepreneurship, startups and much more in the cutting edge digital world. He is associated with SPINX Digital a Los Angeles web design company & digital marketing agency. When he is not writing, he can be found traveling outdoors with his camera. You can follow Stephen on Twitter @StephenMoyers

3 Pitfalls Of Digital Marketing – And How To Avoid Them

Blunders in digital marketing campaigns happen more often than you might think and can show up without the least amount of warning. Holes in your marketing campaign can seriously damage a company’s brand image. With today’s massive digital marketing trend, [...]

By |2017-01-27T18:37:11-05:00April 4th, 2016|Marketing|Comments Off on 3 Pitfalls Of Digital Marketing – And How To Avoid Them

How To Use Post-Conversion Engagement To Keep Your Valuable Leads And Customers

Digital marketers place a lot of emphasis on conversions - and for good reason. Conversions (or desired actions that you want your users to take, such as downloads or sales) represent success. But of course, success doesn't end there. You've [...]

By |2017-01-27T18:41:42-05:00March 19th, 2015|Marketing|Comments Off on How To Use Post-Conversion Engagement To Keep Your Valuable Leads And Customers

Keep Your Digital Marketing Strategy Current With These Upward Trends

by Joe Shlabotnik Trends can rapidly change. seemingly with the wind. Good content remains an enduring cornerstone to digital marketing; that doesn't look to be changing any time soon. But within a content plan, the players seem to be [...]

By |2017-01-27T18:43:22-05:00November 17th, 2014|Content, Marketing, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on Keep Your Digital Marketing Strategy Current With These Upward Trends
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