Google : Googol : Omnipresent : Ubiquitous : Omnipotent

"Don't be evil". "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.". "Understand everything".

As the Google empire expands, the words and quotes above, seem to fly at us late at night with ever-increasing speed; like darting bats that we aren't sure we even see. But yet they buzz our heads, occasionally tangling themselves in our hair. We sometimes feel frightened by the enormity of what is happening, but as each new day dawns, we forget again. Routine takes over, and we put the fear out of our minds.

Dramatic enough for you? Maybe it needs to be. Maybe only within the fog of pain medication can I remember the fear that I let go of each day. Fear? That's a strong word. Too strong, probably. Is there another word that has a similar connotation, but is less strong? How about anxiety? Or maybe disquietude? Disquietude. Yes, that's better. So now, lets add to the first list above.

Google : Googol : Omnipresent : Ubiquitous : Omnipotent : Disquietude

Has DazzlinDonna lost her mind, you ask. No, I assure you I have not. Nor have I surrounded my head with several rolls of tin foil to ward off the evil attackers. However, over the last few years, just a little at a time - almost to the point of being not noticeable - I've become disquieted by the enormity of the growing Google empire.

Look at the following list (and I'm sure I've missed things that I know about, and left off things I don't know about).

Blog Search
Book Search
Special Searches
University Search
Video Search
Image Search
Web Search
Local Search
Google Pack
Google APIs
Desktop Search
Google Talk
Google Earth
Translate Tool
Local for mobile
Writely Word Processing
Page Creator
Safe Browsing
Send to Phone
Feed Reader
Web Accelerator
Ride Finder
Google Suggest
Personalized Search
Personalized Homepage
Google Deskbar
Google Glossary
Dodgeball / Social networking
Analytics / Data Mining
Adwords / Search for Web / Radio / Television

Google : Googol : Omnipresent : Ubiquitous : Omnipotent : Disquietude

"Don't be evil". "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.". "Understand everything".

Orwellian : Totalitarian : Assimilation

"Resistance is futile".

Make what you will of my ramblings. It's ok. I understand. My disquietude will fade as always when the sun rises tomorrow morning. Yours may never reveal itself at all. Maybe it's just spring fever...or March Madness...or something else.... 🙂

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."