It was just my birthday, so I get to make a wish. And I'm going to...

I'm going to make a wish for Google, a wish for Yahoo and a wish for MSN/Live/Sympatico.

My wish for Google for 2008.

My biggest wish for Google for 2008 is a "negative" geotargeting capability. As odd as that may sound, in my 2007 travels I came across a need/desire for it more than once. To wit: I want all of Ontario EXCEPT Toronto... ergo, negative option Toronto for me. In the Google world, I can set an all Ontario Campaign and a Toronto campaign. Wouldn't it simply be easier to do the reverse?

My wish for Yahoo for 2008.

My biggest wish for Yahoo is dayparting. And not just because Google has it. And not just because MSN/Live/Sympatico has it. But because they both have it leaving Yahoo to be a little like the laggard on that front.

My wish for MSN/Live/ for 2008.

Ah, MSN. If Google is the favored child because it butters my bread and Yahoo is the forgotten middle child (sadly cliched, but true), then what of MSN/Live?

It is the child of potential that can't quite seem to get it right.

Not quite my favorite child but I do hold out a lot of hope for it. From a business perspective, there's much to hold out hope for. MSN/Live is economical for a start-up. (Read: Cheap.) But more than that, it provides a strong ROI in terms of conversion.

So, with that in mind, my wish for MSN/Live is more traction, or simply put, more marketshare.

So there you have it, in the vein of having my (birthday) cake and eating it too, my three SEM wishes for 2008.

Have a good one.

~ The (SEP) Guy

About the Author: Shane

Search Engine People welcomes any information you might have on The SEP Guy. We don't have a clue. He's the blog's mystery writer. Odd...