I thought it was time for a little update on the charity project some of us have going on. In case you missed it (how could you miss anything this BIG?), several SEOs got together to lose weight, get healthy, and raise money for charity. It's also a bit of a competition, as we each try to out-lose the other so that our favorite charity gets all the donations at the end. So let's take a peek at how everyone is doing.

I originally chose eDiets as my preferred weight-loss plan, but quickly dumped them when I got less than stellar customer service. I'm now mostly winging it but getting some help from sparkpeople.com. All in all, I'm doing ok but not loving every food choice thrown at me.

Jennifer Laycock is our resident food photographer as she supplies everyone with fab photos of everything she eats. That gal's got the photo thing goin' on!

Aaron Wall is mysteriously absent. He's never checked in. I wonder if he fasted on the first day, and had such rapid weight loss, that he just went poof and disappeared?

Jim Boykin checked in, taunted Aaron, and then disappeared. Hmmm...I wonder if those disappearances are connected in some way?

Simon Heseltine is what I call our exercise duuuuude. I mean, dude, seriously, you do all that exercise? Wow. Like wow.

Nathania Johnson teeters back and forth between being good and being ... well ... less than stellar. 🙂 Keep at it, girl!

Ben Cook got lost one day on his way to buy a scale. Instead of turning right at the "we be diets department", he got confused by all the pretty shiny things in the store. Eventually he found his way to the scales, I'm happy to report.

Scottie Claiborne is giving up all the foods she craves (man, how can one give up bread?), and thumbing her nose at her naysaying family. You rock on, Scottie!

Jeff Quipp is hanging tough despite the many Super Bowl treats he had to suffer through, but I have faith in him!

David Wallace started late in the game, but he's got the number crunching going on, with all his "this many ounces of this, and that many ounces of that" calculations.

Finally, Debra Mastaler had to be coaxed into putting work aside for a few moments to share her diet strategy with us (wait, she has a strategy?), so we appreciate her efforts.

We are all in this together, and that means YOU (yes you...the one reading this right now) are in this with us. We really need your support. We need you to follow along with us, maybe even subscribe to our feeds. We need you to encourage us in the comments on our blogs. We need you to make pledges to the great charities we're hoping to raise money for. We need you involved, dang it, or we just might have to sneak that oreo cookie doused in milk when you aren't looking. You wouldn't want that, now would you?

Oh, and hey everyone, Google stepped up to the plate with a site-wide pledge. What about you, Yahoo? Microsoft? Ask? Y'all gonna let Google get all that glory? Huh? Huh?

And what about some of you big-shot SEO firms. You know who you are! What, you can't pledge a little of your pile o' cash for a good cause, and get some great publicity to boot? C'mon, pony up, will ya? 😉

Ok, now...everyone go show your support. Yes, now. 🙂

P.S. If you were pouting because you weren't asked to participate, please consider that to be a compliment. It probably meant you were perceived as being in shape, skinny, or otherwise not in need of dieting.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."