I know I've already blogged about WordCamp Birmingham (Alabama) over on my DD blog, but for those of you who don't read that one, I wanted to make sure to bring it up here too. It's the first ever WordCamp in the Southeast United States (Sept. 27-28), and I'm going to be speaking at it. Yes, I'm nervous, but y'all will just have to deal with the occasional "um, er", and stutter. I'll be speaking on SEO for WordPress though, so even if I stumble over my words now and then, the information will still be useful.

The cost is only $25, so it would really rock if a lot of you showed up. I'd love to get the chance to meet you all. You can register here, read more about it here, see the schedule here, and check out the speakers here. And because it's a WordCamp, it means that participants, well, "participate". Want to speak? Everyone has a chance at doing so. You can see how the open sessions work here.

I'm staying at The Hotel Highland, btw, which is about half a mile from the venue, in case anyone was wondering about where to stay. It looks awesome, based on the web site description, but it doesn't cost "too" much. I'm arriving Friday, the 26th, and leaving Monday the 29th, so if anyone wants to get together, just let me know.

So, c'mon. If you live anywhere in this general area of the U.S., consider showing up, would ya? Pretty sure we're gonna have fun, and we don't have to spend a few thousand dollars to do it. You up for it? Great! Meet me there! It's only like 9 days away!

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."