
Google has confirmed that the search tool option to filter results by location has been permanently removed.


Filtering search results by location is a feature that was underused by regular searchers. SEO's and other digital marketers used the tool to have a feeling for how localized results may look elsewhere.

So, with the tool removed, how can I check local search results?

1. Google Ad Preview Tool


Google's Ad Preview Tool allows you to look at localized search results in order to help you determine if your ad will be shown there.

The tool is functional both logged in and logged out.

Besides changing location the tool also let's you change language, device, and which internationalized Google TLD to use.

2. The Near Parameter


You can trigger the location search filtering by manually adding &near=ABC --where ABC is the name of your location --  to the URL of your search results.

Note that Google may change how undocumented operators work or may eliminate them completely.

* Lead image adapted from garryknight

About the Author: Martha Vasquez

I’m an SEO Manager at Search Engine People, where I’ve been helping clients improve their online visibility since 2007. My main focus is developing and executing result-driven SEO strategies for both new and existing clients. I specialize in helping businesses achieve greater exposure on Google for their most relevant keywords, which leads to better conversions. I stay up to date with the latest organic and local search algorithm updates to ensure clients maintain their rankings and easily adapt to the ever-changing search landscape