
Pinterest seems to have taken the internet community by storm in recent months and the tech news websites have been reporting on the website on practically a daily basis. Any website that gets that amount of attention is definitely worth having a look at, especially a website that has been developed with social networking in mind.

Pinterest gained more than 10 million new users in record time. It is a great tool for grouping and bookmarking interesting images that you come across online and more and more people are starting to use the website as a type of mood board tool for projects that they're working on.

I thought it would be useful to take a look at how Pinterest can be used to enhance search engine optimization for company websites and blogs and how best to do this.

  1. The first task is to link Pinterest to Facebook - in fact, once you've registered a Pinterest account you get the options to sign in with either Facebook or Twitter. Its easy to link your Pinterest account to both Facebook and Twitter under the settings option on the website " just use the radio buttons to set up the links. This means that all your Pins will show up on your Facebook Timeline and you can use both Twitter and Flickr to promote your pins.
  2. The next thing you need to do is to add Pin It buttons to your blog or website " this will allow your readers to share your content via Pinterest. This is easy to do without any plug-ins needed " you just log in to Pinterest and then go to About > Pin it button or use this link to access the button code. Just scroll down the page until you come to the section titled Pin It Button for Web Sites. Copy and paste the code to your page exactly where you want the Pin It button to appear (near any other social sharing buttons you have would be the best place for it).
  3. Link back to your website from Pinterest. If you showcase any images and include a link back to your website you're likely to gain much more traffic than when you share an image on Facebook.
  4. With Google indexing peoples personal Pinterest profiles and boards, adding keywords to your pinboards can push them up the search rankings. You need to go for commonly searched keywords that people are likely to use when searching for stuff online.
  5. Pinterests domain authority is growing rapidly which means that your pins will have high visibility in search engine results. This means that you need to build links that point back to your website from Pinterest to increase traffic to your blog or website.

These are just a few tips for using Pinterest as part of your SEO strategy - the website itself has some useful information on this subject. Have you come up with any ideas of your own on this that you'd like to share with me - please use the comments below!

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About the Author: Jonny Ross