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About Adam Riemer

Adam Riemer has been an Online Marketer for over a decade. Having worked in house and on his own, Adam Riemer helps both large and small companies develop, execute and analyze Marketing campaigns from Ethical Affiliate Marketing and Adware Removal to SEO and User Experience for both ROI and branding in the B2B and B2C world.

Tired of PPC and Rising CPAs? Try Media Buying Instead.

One thing that I used to always recommend was PPC above Media Buys. Not only could you get a great return, but it was so easy to set up and get live. Unfortunately since the market is saturated with competitors, those nice CPAs get worse and worse each year and sometimes become unprofitable. So where can you turn for relevant and instant traffic? I started taking my clients, especially start ups to doing media buys instead.

By |2014-10-22T08:22:52-04:00May 16th, 2012|PPC|2 Comments

Link Building in 2012 (and a really cool app)

Thinking about my my topic for my SEP post all I could keep coming up with was talking about GoWalla being taken down and this alternative to GoWalla Loso that I have become completely obsessed with. However I do realize [...]

By |2014-04-22T09:06:05-04:00December 14th, 2011|SEO|Comments Off on Link Building in 2012 (and a really cool app)
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