Every local business should be utilizing social media in one way or another to boost their business and build their brand. And when using social media, there are a few key factors a local business should measure, including:

  • Social media audience populous
  • Growth Speed
  • Traffic drive
  • Customer to lead production

While measuring these, there are a variety of actions you can take that can have a very positive impact for your business. A few things to remember that will allow you to better position yourself is that, with social media, you need to be interactive, pay attention to what others have to say, watch your networks and then determine which are having a greater affect on your audience. You want to focus on and continue to change anything that has a negative impact into something positive.

Focus On Social Media Growth While Keeping Up With Other Lead Generating Activities

The amount of people using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter to engage with products you supply is important to keep track of. Measuring this allows you to keep track of your local business growth and allows you to make sure your audience is growing over time by using various social media channels. While tracking this growth, it is important to continue to focus on other activities as well. With your audience, its important to try and get them to share your content and posts, for example, in addition to finding ways to get them to visit your website to attract traffic there, getting them to sign up for any newsletters you send out via email, and completing forms that allows you to capture valuable lead information.

Make Sure Your Content Is Interesting And Relevant And Focus On Engagement

Its extremely important to have the content your providing interesting and relevant, or you risk losing your audience and repeat visitors. When your content peaks the interest of consumers, they're more likely to interact by using comments and other ways of interaction. Monitoring any social media engagement with your company allows you to see how much of the incoming traffic is interested in what it is you're offering. If you're not receiving many interactions from your targeted audience, then maybe its time to consider how to better your shared content in ways that will make customers want to leave comments or other interactions that different social media allows, such as likes on Facebook or retweets on Twitter. Also, if you notice that certain social networks you use have a greater amount of interactions compared to others, then consider what it is you're doing differently on those networks that produce more comments and interactions.

What Are Customers Saying About Your Product Or Local Business?

Pay attention and take into consideration what it is customers are saying about your product or local business. And its important to know which people are saying what. When you take note and see that people are talking about your company or product, you will then be able to jump in on the conversation and share more content, answer questions, or take care of problems customers are having. You can also help to quickly mitigate any negative comments or feedback by staying on top of what's being said about your local business.

Where Are You Getting The Most Attention And Why?

Keep track of when and where your product gets the most attention. Which social media network is it on and is your company getting more attention after a product release or campaign? Also, is the attention its receiving positive or negative? Are there certain areas that receive more positive than negative feedback and comments? Tracking the attention is vital and there are media tools that allow you to do so.

I cant reiterate enough how important and helpful it is for a local business to monitor, measure and focus on all of the aspects discussed here when using social media as part of a business marketing strategy. By doing so, you will be able to make positive changes that will impact your local business in a powerful way. After you do a few tweaks when warranted, you'll be pleased to see the actual increase of leads and conversions coming in!

About the Author: Chris Marentis

Chris Marentis Founder and CEO Chris Marentis is the founder and CEO of Surefire Social, the world’s leading local Internet marketing platform and services company in North America. Surefire Social helps businesses optimize local search and discovery to generate sales. Marentis has been prophetic in identifying the best ways to leverage and harness breakthrough technologies, platforms and new media to drive sales growth for companies ranging from startups to billion-dollar organizations.