Ever wonder about the kind of people make up this crazy mixed-up industry of ours?

We wondered if there was anything to this whole idea of astrology and figured we'd give it a shot to see if your astrological sign has some affect on what kind of Internet Marketer you are. Let's see what we can find out!




Early adopters and fearless leaders, these motivated folk will get your site ranking #1, just not necessarily always for the keywords you wanted. They are also known for being able to stay on top of current issues and understand the business applications of new ideas. They tend to be ambitious, work hard, and are perfectly willing to do what needs to be done to acheive the end goal.

Industry Celebs:
Andy Beal
Barry Schwartz (RustyBrick)
Larry Page




Ready to work work work to get results, your Taurus SEO will do a great job for you - but don't expect it to come cheap. Identify Tauruses at conferences by their expensive suit, nice car and gold watch. Hey - Taurus knows they work hard, so why not enjoy the rewards? They are also known for their ability to try new things and move forward with confidence.

Industry Celebs:
Neil Patel
Brian Wallace
Aaron Chronister (think Bacon Explosion)




Born communicators and great PPC managers, Geminis delight in discovering new ways to optimize your campaign. Known for being well organized, their complicated and color-coded spreadsheets can make sense of any logical challenge. These smart people can easily identify ways to spend less money and make more profit. Just remind them that they have to make the changes to the account.

Industry Celebs:
Kim Krause Berg
Rae Hoffman
Shana Albert




At the heart of a Search Marketing company can probably be found a Cancer or two. Fantastic HR experts and account managers, they will always tell you how they feel about your account. They really do care about how you feel and have empathy for your point of view, but when you're wrong, they will not hesitate to tell you so.

Industry Celebs:
Chris Winfield
Jill Whalen
Lisa Barone
Rand Fishkin




Friendly Leo is a social star. They belong in the spotlight, and they know it! These friendly and opinionated people are among the best people to lead and motivate others. Consider putting them in charge of any endeavour that demands networking with people or being on stage.

Industry Celebs:
Andrew Goodman
Loren Baker
Rebecca Kelley
Sergey Brin
Mona Elesseily




Friendly and down to earch Virgos will always be able to tell you exactly what you can do to improve your campaign. Full of creative ideas and always able to keep an eye on the profit margin, these friendly folk are in it for the long run.

Industry Celebs:
Jeff Quipp
Marissa Mayer
Vanessa Fox




True team players, a Libra will always do what they think is best for your campaign. And if you disagree, well that's OK too. A Libra is always able to see both sides of the argument and can easily argue either. Strategy is the strength of the Libra SEO, and they tend to make and keep friends easily.

Industry Celebs:
Danny Sullivan
Jim Hedger




Likely to be found as executives, these passionate people will always work hard and get the job done. Don't say an idea can't succeed - because to a Scorpio that means you probably just aren't working hard or smart enough. Your Scorpio SEO understands how best to run your campaigns, but may become frustrated if asked the same annoying question for the 10th time.

Industry Celebs:
David Szetela
Brent Csutoras




Your Sagittarius account manager understands your issues and knows what you're trying to achieve. They will happily sit and listen to your plan and give you the big picture context you need to put everything into place. They tend to be friendly and talkative and are easy to get along with.

Industry Celebs:
Dave Naylor
Jordan Kasteler
Bill Hartzer




Patient and organized, a Capricorn always sees the long-term strategy, and sticks to the plan to make sure it gets done. Although quiet and a bit reserved, you will always profit by having a Capricorn on your team, long after others have fallen by the wayside. Capricorn has bright ideas but explaining them can be difficult so just nod and trust you're in capable hands, because you are.

Industry Celebs:
Tamar Weinberg




If Cancer is the heart of your SEO business, then Aquarius is the soul. No, scratch that, because Aquarius could almost never bring themselves to stay long in a corporate environment. Your Aquarius consultant is filled with some of the craziest ideas you've ever heard but you have a feeling there's something brilliant going on there you can't quite understand.

Industry Celebs:
Joost de Valk
Mikkel DeMib Svendsen
Cindy Krum




Always willing to lend a helping hand, your Pisces SEO will always celebrate your wins with you. They will take the time to figure out your exact issues while their investigative and analytical skills ensure that your campaign will be run well.

Industry Celebs:
Bill Slawski (sign of the fish Bill?) 😉
Charlene Li
Dave Harry
Eric Lander


What do you think? Is your work style affected by your astrological sign? Are you extroverted like Leo or quiet like Capricorn, or is this all just in fun?


About the Author: Helen M. Overland

Vice President at Search Engine People, helping clients with Conversion Optimization, Analytics, and On-Page SEO. Online Marketer since June 2000, Internet geek since 1994. Follow me on twitter at @semlady to see what I'm reading now.