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On-site SEO strategy

There's a number of ways to categorize your SEO efforts (on-site and off-site, for instance). In this article I want to discuss on-site SEO elements as opposed to off-site strategy. In other words, I'll provide you with tips and tools [...]

By |2020-06-22T20:14:55-04:00April 17th, 2013|SEO|2 Comments

Googlebot crawling CSS files now?

eKstreme posted about seeing Googlebot fetching a CSS file (via his logfile). He's only seen it the one time, however, and is asking others to check their logfiles as well. I vaguely remember someone at Pubcon Vegas (I think it [...]

By |2007-01-04T19:47:59-05:00January 4th, 2007|SEO|Comments Off on Googlebot crawling CSS files now?
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