Eric Enge told me about the latest meme that is spreading which is geared towards highlighting blogs that deserve more attention than they may be getting. Started by Mack Collier, it gives link love to blogs that deserve it. To continue the process, simply CUT AND PASTE the list I have below, and then ADD any blogs you feel aren't getting their due (but obey the honor system of not adding your own blog). So below is the current list that I've seen, with a couple of my own additions at the end.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."