In this video I interview Jeff Quip, Founder and CEO of
Jeff shares the importance of being visible on social media when building authority. He also explains how you can use the power social media tools to build visibility of your business.
Don't forget to check out the takeaways below after you watch this short video.
Here are some of the things we discussed in this video:
- What do we mean by "visibility" when it comes to building authority
- How being visible and branding are related to each other when it comes to social media marketing
- How important is to be visible when building authority in your niche using social media
- Why quality matters as well as frequency
- Few easy ways to stay visible on social networks
- How Facebook ads can help to increase visibility
- Jeff also shared his best formula for how to manage time when using social media
How to Build Authority with Social Media Video 1
How to Build Authority with Social Media Video 2
You can connect with Jeff on Twitter @jquipp if you want to learn more from him.
What do you think? How are building visibility for you and your business on social media? What tips do you have to share about building visibility? Please leave them below.