This is one of a series of posts in which I will be highlighting each member of the Search Bloggers list, with commentary on one of their posts (new or old). Look for this series to continue once or twice a week for the next couple of months.
Meet Paul Steven, the Search Blogger of the Day. Today I'd like to highlight a post called Google Keeps Rolling With New Tools To Play With. Is there anything more fun to an SEO geek than SEO tools? We do love our tool toys, don't we? Paul does a nice job of pointing out some new and updated tools from the big G themselves, that can make any SEO geek smile like a cheshire cat. Go see what Paul has to say about them, so you can play too.
If you want to know more about today's Search Blogger of the Day, check out Paul's home page.
That's the Search Blogger of the Day. If you are a search blogger, and aren't on the list yet, go here to find out how to be included. I plan to promote everyone on the list in various ways. Some will be informative, and some will be just plain fun. Don't miss out.