Today is the first installment of SEO Scoop's Spotlight Sunday, where I shine the spotlight on some sites that were submitted to me. Originally, I was only going to shine the spotlight on one site each Sunday, but decided there was no way I could only pick one. So, here are several sites that I enjoyed. And as a reminder, if you want me to shine the spotlight on one of your sites one Sunday, just email me the title, url, and description (email to scoop[at]

The Promotion Trader Forums is a new online community that allows Internet
marketers, search engine optimizers, website owners and web designers to
collaborate on projects and trade services with each other.

DazzlinDonna's thoughts: This is an idea that I'm crazy about. Having admitted numerous times that I'm a cheapskate, I love the idea of trading services. The forum is new and sparse at the moment, but I hope to see it grow. With a robust membership, it could be a great place for all kinds of exchanges.


Yucatan Living
Two expats blog about living and working in Mexico

DazzlinDonna's thoughts: Having been to the Yucatan peninsula many years ago (twice), I have really enjoyed perusing this blog. The photo gallery is incredible, and the Yucatan home movie was very interesting (especially the surprising end). The content is interesting, and the quality of the blog itself is top-notch.


Guincho Guy
The replacement for the Brighton Vibes blog, talks about lots of internet
marketing and SEO ideas as well as the day to day aspects of life and making a living in general.

DazzlinDonna's thoughts: Brighton Vibes has been on my reading list for a while now, so I look forward to seeing where Guincho Guy goes.


All photo gallery blog
Online photoblog of photographs covering Austria to cuba to London, Rome .. With a love of photography, the blog shows off my favorite photos of subject I love such as snow, buildings and abstract images.

DazzlinDonna's thoughts: Wow, there are some incredibly beautiful photos on this site, especially in the Austrian snow photos category.


Free Links Friday
Jason Murphy started Free Links Friday seven weeks ago here but decided to move it to its own domain.

DazzlinDonna's thoughts: This site is similar in nature to my own Spotlight Sunday, except that it is an entire site devoted to sharing sites with others. Pretty cool, and I like the blog design, too.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."