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10 Most Notorious Wikipedia Editing Scandals

As much as we appreciate the existence of this free, online encyclopaedia, errors – and even outright falsehoods – can sometimes creep in, reminding us that good old Wiki is often worth taking with a pinch of salt. These scandalous editing examples show just how wary you should be. Beware the ominous words, “Citation Needed.”

By |2014-10-22T08:22:07-04:00July 17th, 2012|Content|2 Comments

TGIF – @:-}

Welcome to Friday and to another TGIF here at Seo Scoop. I hope that you have had an enjoyable week and that many fun and cool things went on in your life. As a way of giving a little back [...]

By |2013-06-03T06:01:55-04:00June 5th, 2009|Content|Comments Off on TGIF – @:-}

Please do not miss Ms. Dewey

Ok, MSN's new Ms. Dewey search engine has been largely ignored by most, but I really have to beg you to check it out. I'm talking total entertainment here, folks. Funny, funny stuff. Ms. Dewey totally cracks me up. I [...]

By |2006-11-08T12:14:25-05:00November 8th, 2006|SEO|3 Comments
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