Getting E-Commerce Site Structure Right
Information architecture isn't the most thrilling of subjects, so I'm going to quickly walk you through the principles so that implementing it properly can become second nature.
Information architecture isn't the most thrilling of subjects, so I'm going to quickly walk you through the principles so that implementing it properly can become second nature.
Google's Browser Size tool is so much better than the feature integrated with Google Analytics because you can use it on any site, at any time. Now that the tool is going away we show you how to get your own instant-on browser size tool in under 5 minutes.
In years 2010 Google announced that it is incorporating site speed as one of the over 200 signals that we use in determining search rankings. There are many ways to improve the website performance and reduce the page load time, [...]
In a previous post I outlined how to implement rel=canonical HTTP headers using ASP.NET C#, ASP VBScript and PHP. However, there is a much simpler way to do this via the .htaccess file. Before we get into the code, lets [...]