Trendistic is an awesome new Twitter tool that can help you analyze, and find the source of trending topics. Inclusion in the Twitter Top 10 trending is the holy grail in Twitterland.

Trendistic allows you to compare a number of topics over specified timelines. For example rosh( Jewish New Year), tarzan, and charice (Filipina songstress) were all trending on twitter this morning.

Below we take a look at various spikes throughout the day. Especially neat as were looking at worldwide trending topics:

Where this topic is popular: can provide valuable insight and may reveal a new target market
What time of day do mentions spike. In this case rosh spikes just after 7am, perhaps when people are on their way to work.


We can see from that the topic Tarzan is originating from Mexico due to the hashtag #mexicanosalgritode, and also from Indonesia (see the location based tweet below)


Charice, we can see stems from the ustream of the Glee premiere party. However looking at 7am when we see another spike for Charice that is interesting. Here we can see the popularity of Glee in the Philippines. This may be largely due to the fact that Charice hails form the Philippines but is interesting nonetheless. The tell tale is this tweet:


GMA News is in fact the one of the biggest news networks in the Philippines. We can conclude here that adding the talented filipina Charice to the cast of Glee, increased the global reach of the show.

Trendistic offers a fascinating research tool, that could give great value to marketers pursuing cross platform strategies. Compelling ad copy on bus shelters, trains, or commuter corridors could be tested using this tool. A simple call to action could be measured and mapped out over 24 hours, a week, or even a month.

Another great feature is the ability to emdbed a graph. Thats not all, you can embed a static graph showing a specified time or you can choose a dynamic graph, which continuously updates the information of the last 7 days. For instant sharing of imfo, you can also tweet the information. This may prove time saving for teams working on social media strategies.


Here we can see the static graph, and below the dynamic graph:

This tool is really fun to play around with and provides something we all love: beautiful trending graphs showing the % of total twitter tweets a word is mentioned.

In this case rosh was mentioned in approx .007% of all tweets worldwide. The information gained by analyzing the timelines could prove invaluable, as a demographic may have been overlooked.

Social media hinges on chain reaction, like a friend sharing your product with a friend in Australia, who then shares it with 10 friends, and so on.

Trendistic allows you to monitor and react promptly to these chain reactions.

About the Author: Mick Higgins