
A selection of popular news sources for bloggers.

Google News

Google News brings together the latest news from over 50,000 world-wide sources. It is one of the most popular news sources for bloggers, 

It is easy to set personal preferences on Google News.

You can start out with the 'suggested for you' section which shows articles based on your searches. For example, if you searched 'James Bond' you would see stories such as Spectre reviews, any award nominations, or rumours about the next film.

Set Up Google Alerts

Don't miss out on any new stories – set up your own Google Alerts, and customise them to different topics.

Google Alerts emails you when news about your keyword(s) gets published. It saves you plenty of research time;  Google does all the hard work for you.

Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News showcases thousands of articles from sources such as the BBC, Fox News, and CNN.

They now also show Twitter updates. 


Reddit is a user-submitted and user-voted news and content site.

It features hundreds of so-called sub-reddits, each covering a specific topic.

In each sub-reddit, people with niche experience for their topic curate items. These submissions are up- or down voted by their peers.

The site can act like a canary in the coal mine, or an over the horizon topic radar.


Reuters is one of the world's leading news agencies. They have thousands of expert journalists in dozens of countries.

It's an especially helpful resource for coverage of the U.K and international financial markets.

BBC News

BBC News is often regarded to be one of the most level-headed and least biased. It misses the "hidden" agenda often present with some other news providers. 

Ideal to get useful facts and insight.


Twitter can be an up-to-date breaking news source. Be mindful that instantly curated social news may contain rumors.

Tweets, retweets, and hashtag use can give you insight into new content for your topics. You can also use them to gauge popularity.

Add experts to your topic lists to get a good overview of what's going on in those sectors.


Facebook has a handy 'trending' feature. Use it to identify which news stories are getting the most attention in the social media world.


There's no need to capture all the news. That is just information overload.

Instead, create a plan to quickly create content based on the news you discover. There is little point in catching the latest news if you take a week to write it up.

* Lead image adapted from (Mick Baker)rooster

About the Author: Danny Hall