Six months ago I set out to find analytics tools for Pinterest, and I found very little. Those apps that had existed seemed to have disappeared, and there were shockingly few choices considering how intensely popular the site was becoming. When a social media site becomes the fastest growing on the web, you expect third party support systems to be falling off of trees. I was sadly disappointed by what was on the market.

Now tools for Pinterest have come out of limbo, with some of the older apps reinventing themselves while new ones pop up all over the place. Now Pinterest itself has announced their own on-site analytics system, but that doesn't mean other apps aren't helpful, even necessary. These are my five favorites as of today.

1. Pinalyzer


This one has been around for awhile, and for good reason. It remains one of the most consistent marketing tool for Pinterest on the web, even with the tweaks in its design. Find new pins using their Smart Suggest tool, measure your influence, find the top pinners, and monitor the popularity of photos currently making the rounds. Their algorithms are calibrated to make the most out of the site's unique platform, and this tool is very easy for anyone to use.

2. Curalate


Advanced image analytics are the name of the game, here. Apply social listening tools to Pinterest where before they only existed for more traditional social media sites, optimize your social influence, customize promotions and marketing campaigns, better engage with users and more. Right now it is in demo mode, though still very feature intensive.

3. Piqora


You have probably heard of this app before, but by its former name of Pinfluence. Monitor the reach of your account, drive sharing of your pins, track and launch promotions and contests, track traffic, manage content, take advantage of social e-commerce and more. Request the demo to see how they have reinvented themselves from their former glory.

4. Octopin


This service boasts that it is the most advanced Pinterest marketing tool on the web, and it is probably right. The metrics feature is only secondary to their other campaign management systems, but it is all aimed at increasing both visibility and user engagement. They do offer consulting for brands.

5. Shopinterest


Monetizing Pinterest can be difficult, since it is still a rather unique platform. The rules of social engagement have had to be rewritten, especially when it comes to actual shopping. But they do offer cart support on the site, so it is a great way to promote a product or business. This is a great tool for getting metrics and analytics, and creating the perfect store front through Pinterest to help boost sales.

Have a tool that you think should be listed? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at as well as the founder of Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu