
As someone involved in business or marketing, you’ve probably heard about how well-made video content can engage your audience and make them more interested in your product, service or brand. However, maybe you’re in an industry perceived as dry or highly technical and don’t think video marketing is a good fit. By taking the right approach though, you’ll see it’s possible to make videos that resonate with audiences regardless of the topic.

Instruct Viewers With How-To Videos

People appreciate getting advice about how to use or do something efficiently, and if there’s video content to go along with it, that’s even better. Whatever you’re discussing may not have mass appeal, but as long as it’s useful, you’ll get an audience.

Goo Gone made an excellent how-to video for a mold and mildew removal product — that’s less than 30 seconds long. Besides showing viewers how to apply the spray to the side of a house, the video demonstrated how fast the spray works while it returns the surface to its original color. Similarly, OXO released a video about how to use a smooth-edge can opener.

Many people depend on content hubs like YouTube to learn. If you can position yourself as an authority figure and teacher, it’ll be easier to gain traction and viewership.

Connect To Trends

Another great way to make relatable videos is to model them off a current trend. Companies and individuals did that all over the world with the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. People got a kick out of seeing participants dump containers of cold water and ice cubes over their heads and do it for a good cause.

More recently, people tried out the Mannequin Challenge, which involved standing motionless as cameras panned over them, often with a soundtrack in the background. This trend didn’t have a charitable cause linked to it, but one brand-building thing about it is how it facilitates showing viewers around an office building or job site.

With the right shots, a person behind the camera could highlight the diversity of a workforce or the equipment used during the workday, among other things. The Danco Group, a company involved with construction and property management in California took part in the Mannequin Challenge in 2016 and got thousands of views for the respective YouTube video.

Don’t Be Afraid To Capitalize On Ridiculousness

Maybe you’re dealing with a product many people prefer not to talk about because it involves bodily functions or something else not usually considered a polite topic of conversation. In that case, it can work well to make a video that’s over the top with its ridiculousness. People will be so fascinated — and probably get a laugh from this approach — that they’ll keep watching.

Take the Squatty Potty, a product that helps people get into the optimal position when relieving themselves. The item’s website features videos starring Dookie the unicorn to explain how it works and why people should buy one.

There’s also PooPouri; a spray people can use in public bathrooms to mask the stench. The brand’s videos racked up over 40 million views and often feature a stylish woman with a British accent. She might remind you of Farris Patton, the star of the “Dirty Mouth?” commercials from Orbit chewing gum.

Take Inspiration From The Film And Theater Industries

Many of the most memorable advertisements of recent years are heavy on the drama, and they make even humdrum topics relatable and exciting. Quincy Compressor uses this concept particularly well. When publishing videos, the company refers to them as films, helping strengthen the idea that this material is closer to a short movie than an advertisement.

There’s a “Stop the Hiss” video that explains the substantial costs associated with air system leaks. The “Avoid the Nightmares” content goes into detail about how poor air compressor maintenance can cause stressful but preventable shutdowns in industrial processes. Both of them keep viewers’ attention and boast high-quality production, showing that Quincy Compressor took its video marketing efforts seriously.

Let Your Users Drive Your Content

User-generated content (UGC) is that which your customers provide. UGC is becoming a more widely used option for video marketing because it builds trust and creates brand ambassadors. is a service that lets people sell non-working automobiles. It used real customers to create a testimonial video describing the struggles they went through before choosing This tactic helps viewers see themselves in the situations of the individuals on screen and may encourage them to take positive action.

For a more natural kind of UGC, consider having a contest where people record homemade videos discussing how your company improved their lives or facilitate better management of a less-than-desirable task. The winners could get their content featured on your social media and YouTube channels, plus get a prize distributed by your business.

Bissell did a version of that option by asking people to send contributions describing the biggest messes they ever had to clean. Those individuals then had the chance to see their scenarios play out on screen during a company-created video.

When you turn to customers to get content ideas — either directly or indirectly — you’re showing you care about experiences and feedback. Launching a contest associated with videos from users also adds elements of surprise and fun.

As you can see from these tips, creating interesting videos is simple even if your industry doesn’t typically have mainstream appeal. When you focus on content people that's applicable, makes viewers have lighthearted moments when watching or shows material in ways that surprise them, you’ve got many of the aspects necessary for impactful and potentially profitable videos.

About the Author: Adrienne Erin

Adrienne Erin is a freelance writer and blogger who specializes in social media marketing and design. Visit her blog, Design Roast, to see more of her work.