Traduction francaise: Pourquoi SearchWiki Existe

Google's main objective is to defend itself against a repetition of its own past: to prevent disruptive technology in the widest sense of the idea to upset its place as The Google.

To do so Google relies heavily on two strategies: barrier to entry and acquisition.

Barrier to Entry: Raising the Bar

Due to Google's known strength – it's incredibly cheap super computer power which is incredibly expensive for others to compete with – Google becomes the investment default simply by entering a market, making most or all of the other players look like "also-ran".

When the choice of investment of time (user) or money (investor) is between an established "we're not going anywhere soon" giant entity with a no-cost product model or a "what was their name again?" startup or also-ran, most investment will go to the giant.

Add to that the Portal Effect, where providing features and content that are or are perceived as True Need Fulfillment increases the amount of time invested by the user in the services provided simply because of ease of use, and Google immediately captures a significant amount of users.

Acquisition: Buying the Bar

Raising the barrier to entry obviously works best in a preemptive manner: once a competitor is firmly seated it too starts to benefit from cumulative growth and strength.

If the perceived danger is big enough Google will then buy the competition. The single best example of this is YouTube which by the time that Google finally launched Google Video had become the de facto video sharing standard. Video sharing a la YouTube was unprecedented. YouTube was disruptive technology at its best; no-one saw it coming.

Google bought YouTube.

Today, YouTube receives more search queries than Yahoo. If you look at search engine use and count YouTube as one, Google is #1 and YouTube is #2…

Wikipedia & Social Search

When Wikipedia tagged all its outgoing links as "no-follow", keeping all the link power of millions upon millions of incoming links to itself, it overnight changed from a cute, rather large yet somewhat obscure fringe project into a de facto standard answer for thousands of searches.

I believe that that situation is unacceptable to Google and considered to be a real threat.

"Unfortunately", the Wikipedia situation sort of snug up to Google and, by turning its links to no-follow, jumped out at it quite suddenly and completely unexpected.

With the damage done, pre-emptive raising of the barrier to entry is out of the question – as is acquisition; Wikipedia is not for sale.

So, it seemed, Knol was launched to compete with Wikipedia.

Yeah. Right.

We all know Knol isn't going to be anywhere near Wikipedia. Knol is to Wikipedia what Google Answers was to Yahoo! Answers.

Knol is essentially a distraction, stealing a little bit of Wikipedia's thunder and, and this is more important, giving people another place to go and do what they want to do: provide authoritative content. You know how authoritative? It basically can't be edited "just like that" by the next passer-by. That alone makes it interesting to a whole bunch of people. End users? No, again, Knol is a distraction for content providers who otherwise would be at Wikipedia (or nowhere).

SearchWiki on the other hand is aimed at the (more advanced) end user: those "smart enough" to have a Google account and be logged in. Simply by being there it provides searchers a "good enough" social search place. It doesn't need to be new, revolutionary, widely used or not; it just needs to prevent people from having to go elsewhere.

To quote Philipp Lenssen from his post about some of Google's internal documents:

If Google’s “release frenzy” often appears chaotic from the outside, their internal goals do look very precise and organized... and almost every goal has a number attached to it, even when it’s a seemingly fuzzy area like user happiness.

Additional reading:

Googleopoly II Google's Predatory Playbook to Thwart Competition (PDF) (Scott Cleland)
Google SearchWiki 101: An Illustrated Guide (Danny Sullivan)
Q&A With Google On SearchWiki (Danny Sullivan)

Traduction francaise: Pourquoi SearchWiki Existe

About the Author: Ruud Hein

I love helping to make web sites make it. From the ground up if needed. CSS challenges, server-side scripting, user and device friendly JavaScript tricks search engines have no problems with. Tracking how the sites perform and then figuring out how to make that performance and the tracking better. I'm passionate about information. No matter how often I trim my feeds in my feed readers (yes, I use more than one), I always have a couple of hundred in there covering topics ranging from design to usability, from SEO to SEM, from life hacks to productivity blogs, from.... Well, you get the idea, I guess. Knowledge and information management is close to my heart. Has to be with the amount of information I track. My "trusted system" is usually in flux but always at hand and fully searchable. My paid passion job at Search Engine People sees me applying my passions and knowledge to a wide array of problems, ones I usually experience as challenges. It's good to have you here: pleased to meet you!