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Keywords That Click

Keywords and click are two of the most popular words on the Internet.  Countless readers will have visited this blog post because they realize the importance of those two words. We should immediately warn you that many may find the [...]

By |2013-06-02T19:54:34-04:00November 3rd, 2009|PPC|19 Comments

Google Approaching Real-Time Search Results?

One of the hot topics for Google these days is implementing a functional real-time search. There's no denying that the success of Twitter is the draw for this need. Increasingly audiences want search results tailored around current events, skipping sites with more established content.

By |2009-07-23T04:05:28-04:00July 23rd, 2009|SEO|4 Comments

Google SERPs: Can you dig it?

Just a few hours ago TechCrunch reported that one of their readers was seeing a new interface on the Google SERP. The interface is a Digg style interface allowing users to vote for/against the search results. Can you really see Google doing something like this long term? Whilst this was the first I'd heard of it, it isn't anything completely new. Google have been testing something similar since late 2007. This feature hasn't ever been available in the experimental area on Google but it seems like it has been available to a small percentage of users. This latest test features differences to what has been seen previously, namely that users can change their vote.

By |2008-07-15T06:47:56-04:00July 15th, 2008|SEO|5 Comments
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