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Looking at BidVertiser

I often recommend not becoming dependent upon any one source of traffic and/or revenue. For that reason, I always check out alternate sources of income, and Bidvertiser is the one I'm currently taking a look at. From a publisher's point [...]

By |2013-06-05T12:13:29-04:00June 6th, 2007|PPC|2 Comments

An Adwords tool that Google does not provide

Reuben has created a nice little Adwords tool that counts the characters as you type in an Adwords ad. It also lets you preview the ad and copy it to the clipboard. Finally, it allows you to append Google Analytics [...]

By |2013-06-05T12:49:23-04:00May 1st, 2007|PPC|Comments Off on An Adwords tool that Google does not provide

MSN adCenter 3.0 (beta) demo'ed

The Dallas Search Engine Marketing Blog reports that they received the first demo of MSN adCenter 3.0 (in beta) at their monthly meeting. They talk about some pretty cool features, including: More dynamic parameters to control your ad copy and [...]

By |2013-06-06T08:57:19-04:00February 21st, 2006|PPC|Comments Off on MSN adCenter 3.0 (beta) demo'ed
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