
I think it's time again to write about one of my favorite social networks...Twitter. It's fun for those who understand how it works. It's even a great tool in many ways; just ask those who use it strategically as a customer service outlet.

Many use it to create community chats by employing hash tags, which makes the chat easier to keep track of. Some tweet to gain traffic to a specific landing page or push out relevant content and create a sense of authority.

There are plenty of strategies out there, and plenty of ways business people use this versatile social media platform. I don't want to get too heavy into strategies today, however. Today, I'd like to talk more to the light users, the newbies if you will.

If you're a novice Twitter user, you may have your own opinions about how to use this application. That's fine; everyone is welcome to their own opinion, of course. Before you take those opinions and use them for business, however, let me suggest you start by using Twitter for fun:

Gain some quick information with short questions (use an identifying hash tag)

Follow people you want to know better (Ashton Crutcher, perhaps?)

Follow people you want to learn from (Guy Kawasaki?)

It's not that difficult to navigate Twitter, but, as a new user, some basic know how to make your experience more enjoyable and productive.

The Anti-social Social Platform

The mystery usually revolves around the following:

- getting blocked

- being ignored

- getting unfollowed

Why Does This Even Happen?

Even though you try to engage and follow what others are doing, you still may get blocked, ignored or even *gasp* unfollowed. The worst of all three is getting blocked by other users as this can get your account suspended. Here are the top five mistakes commonly made by new Twitter users that often get them blocked, ignored or unfollowed.

You Have No Profile Picture

Check your profile. Do you have an "egg" as an image on your profile? If so, change it right away and use an actual picture of yourself instead. People want to see that you're a real person. You can use a simple headshot or your logo, but never leave it as an egg. Remember people like to connect with "real" people.

You Didn't Fill Out Your Bio

Another important element you need to give some attention to is writing your bio. Use keywords to describe who you are in 160 characters or less. This is your chance to tell other Twitter-ers who you are and about your experience and interests. I can guarantee most will look at your profile. Of course, I can't guarantee they'll follow and communicate, but you're a step closer to it.

You Have No Tweets Or Barely Tweet

Inactivity is another reason why you'll get unfollowed on Twitter. People seek engagement and sharing updates on a regular basis will allow your followers to get to know you better. You'll tend to make better personal connections too.

You Spam Your Followers With Ridiculous Tweets

Yes, you read it right, ridiculous tweets. This is spamming your followers with tweets like, "I have added you to my Mafia Family - follow back," or tweet "Get a Million Followers - follow me." Come on, now! Anyone who tweets that way will be ignored, unfollowed or blocked in a heartbeat. Nobody wants to be bombarded with spam, and Twitter users are no different.

You Use The Follow-unfollow Scheme To Get More Followers

It's annoying to have someone play the "follow-unfollow" game on Twitter. People do this to get attention. Sharing awesome content and engaging with people on your stream is the best way to get attention, not by being gimmicky.

The Good News Is Mistakes Can Be Remedied

Twitter has been around for quite some time now; it has really changed the way we communicate and share our thoughts, feelings and everyday experiences. I hope being more aware of the possible mistakes people make on Twitter will help you from being ignored, unfollowed or blocked.

It's your turn...

Did I miss anything? What tips can you give newbie Twitter users? What has caused you to block, ignore or unfollow someone?

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About the Author: Gabriella Sannino

Co-founder of, an organic SEO company that specializes in ethical, organic website traffic, Gabriella is a powerhouse of innovative ideas and marketing techniques. She puts her knowledge of industry standards, marketing, design and more to good use, working with clients to get the online reputation and recognition they need for success. Since’s inception, Gabriella has worked with clients from many industries, including REITs and real estate, green cleaning, private investigation, coaching and marketing, as well as many others.