Your Actionable Usability Checklist

How is it possible that we are in the year 2015, and the same usability mistakes from 2007 are being seen? We are in a whole new age of the Internet, and yet even huge companies are launching websites that are barely usable thanks to very obvious issues.

These are some that are alarmingly common, and that you might be missing yourself.

usability checklistI Regularly Take Care of Broken Links

Just a couple of minutes ago I was following a link on Smashing Magazine and got a 404 error. The page no longer existed, but it was linked straight from a still heavily trafficked article that was getting engagement in both comments and social.

Any time a page is moved or removed, it needs to be double checked across the website. You should search out any mention that might exist, not just on the homepage. When a site misses these links it looks amateurish and unprofessional, and can actually hurt your authority.


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usability checklist My Site Is Fast and Smooth

One of the most common sins: So many websites are painfully slow and / or go down to often. This is such an obvious mistake, yet so often overlooked that it's almost unbelievable!

Your great content and awesome website won't have any chances unless your users can load the page.


Monitority alert

usability checklist My Site is Usable on Mobile

Luckily Google has encouraged many website owners to think about their site mobile friendliness threatening them with an update. But apart from search engine visibility concern, your sites need to be mobile-friendly in order to serve the users well.


usability checklistMy Copy and Call-to-Actions Are Clear

I once heard a great bit of advice from a web designer: if a guy from another planet can't tell what your website does within a couple of seconds, it isn't doing its job.

This is the reason many sites are putting images of their product in use right on the front page. People get an idea of the product without having to read a single thing, and only have to use the rest of the text for more details. DirJournal is a good example of what I am talking about: You can see what the site does at a glance!


Hemingway Editor

usability checklistMy Design Isn't Overriding Function

That fancy design you came up with might look awesome. But does it work well for the user? Going onto a website and having to wait through a loading animation is very stylish. For the user, however, it is also very annoying.

The same can be said for slow loading menus, anything that doesn't properly scroll (such as scrolling through pop-ups menus), or hidden links that you have to find.

Don't let your desire to be creative override the function of the final product. I'm looking at you, portfolio makers!


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usability checklistI Offer Various Ways to Contact Me

You should have multiple means of contacting you, right there from the front page. If you don't, you are making one of the most egregious mistakes it is possible to make. Especially if you are a business.

Having a phone number listed is fine, but most users won't be satisfied with just that. The same can be said of having a contact form built into your site.

Create a chat option, if possible, a set email, and a phone number. Make it easy to see and use.


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usability checklistI Don't Confuse My Customers with Suggestion Overload

Have you ever been on a blog, and there seems to be ten different rows of suggestions for other posts both on and off site? Or a store checkout that throws a dozen other products you might want to try at you?

There is nothing wrong with suggestions, and in fact they can improve both time spent on site, and conversions. But having too many makes the site slower to load, distracts the user, can impede mobile functionality, and comes off as aggressive.

When using suggestions, less is more.

usability checklistI Offer My Users Various Ways to Opt-in (or Login)

Why in this day and age would any website that has accounts not provide a social login option? Facebook, Twitter and Google logins should be standard, especially given how easy they are to implement. All it takes is a single plugin, and you are good to go.

You may be wondering why this is so important. It comes down to ease of use, which is what makes it a usability issue. People would rather click a button than have to fill in all their details, and then go to their email to confirm.

Lazy? Maybe, but all that matters is that you give them what they want.


Usability Tester Feedback... That Is Followed

Every one of these issues can be solved by getting plenty of usability testers, and then listening to what they have to say. Too many people will downplay these complaints, and instead only fix bugs. As though bugs are the reason you do usability testing in the first place... that is only a tiny part of it.

Don't fall into that trap. The above design sins might seem obvious, but if you go through your site you are almost certainly committing one of them. Even if you haven't noticed, your site visitors will have. You could be missing out on valuable conversions as a result.

Have I missed any important items from this checklist? Let us know in the comments.


About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at as well as the founder of Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu