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How Search Engines Distinguish Between Regional Sensitive Queries and Global Queries (And How You Can Compete)

Both regionalized queries and global queries will deliver localized results in a variety of different formats, but they are localized nonetheless. So when it comes to optimizing for and navigating the local search space, how is one to distinguish the difference between a search like "flowers" and a search like "flowers Boston?"

By |2014-04-22T09:06:05-04:00December 15th, 2011|Local Search|Comments Off on How Search Engines Distinguish Between Regional Sensitive Queries and Global Queries (And How You Can Compete)

Google Penny Bank

Think link building is the only place where the money is? Think again, On-page SEO is like making steady savings that over time amount to a lot.

By |2011-05-05T13:01:34-04:00May 6th, 2011|SEO|Comments Off on Google Penny Bank
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