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The Key Elements of an Inbound Marketing Campaign: Develop Buyer Personas

Any marketing campaign has to be developed with a target audience in mind. Your inbound campaign is no different. Clearly identifying your target buyers is an essential start to your overall inbound strategy; everything is built out from that point. [...]

By |2017-01-27T18:53:01-05:00September 17th, 2013|Inbound Marketing|Comments Off on The Key Elements of an Inbound Marketing Campaign: Develop Buyer Personas

Essentials to Keep in Mind When Building a Website – The SEO Point of View (part 2/4)

In the last post on the same topic, we discussed 5 essentials. These were URL Structure, Alt and Title Tags, Sitemap, Header Tags, Navigation and Footer Links. Here are a five more ‘essentials’ that can help you ensure a more SEO friendly website.

By |2014-04-22T09:05:45-04:00February 1st, 2012|Web Design|Comments Off on Essentials to Keep in Mind When Building a Website – The SEO Point of View (part 2/4)
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