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Google’s Official SEO Starter Guide

Google has its own guide to what SEO should, at minimum, look like. Taken apart to see what Google officially and expressly approves and compared by professionals with what Google doesn't put in but does seem to be acting on, the guide is a word-by-word read document. Here's what's new and who should read it.

By |2010-10-04T19:27:05-04:00October 5th, 2010|SEO|3 Comments

SEOmoz Link Building Report

Anyone who has known me for a while knows what a cheapskate I am. I just hate spending money unless I am absolutely positive it is worth it. Every now and then, however, curiosity gets the better of me, and [...]

By |2007-03-02T13:58:42-05:00March 2nd, 2007|SEO|1 Comment
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