How to Ask Someone to Write for Your Blog
4 positive response increasing steps to take when inviting guest bloggers
4 positive response increasing steps to take when inviting guest bloggers
Everything you wanted to know about guest blogging but were afraid to ask.
There are many myths and misconceptions scattered around the internet of what steps webmasters should take when building links to their new website(s). I have built many websites in my time and worked with clients who have only recently built [...]
Do you wish to write your best guest post article? With each passing decade of blog post creation, I do believe that creating the most effective article is really about playing around these stages: Preparing Planning Modifying Preparing The preparing [...]
Google's vision of the internet is a simple one. It should be chock full of useful and informative content, which is designed to engage with the reader and preferably, be the kind of content that people want to share. Google [...]
A common practice to evaluate keyword difficulty is to assess how many websites are deliberately targeting this keyword. In other words, when one searches for a keyword or key-phrase in Google he may get results from websites that haven't targeted [...]
In a previous post I formulated a complex Google query to find guest blogging opportunities. Where previous guest blogging guides searched common key-phrases in guest post offers, they required an exhausting typing or copy-pasting of various key-phrases coupled with one [...]
You dream about building links purely on the awesomeness of your website. And maybe you've earned some. I have, and it feels great to be recognized. But let's be honest-- not every website can bring something new and special to [...]
As your blog matures you may be considering offers from guest bloggers to contribute articles to your site. There are a lot of reasons that make inviting others to guest post attractive. First of all, they are a great way [...]
I don't know whether you subscribe to the Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel, but it can be a great way to keep up with how to stay in Google's good books. Don't get me wrong there is a lot that [...]